With great displeasure we were bound to stop discussion box for quite some time, we are pursuing each and every pending demands at the Board level moreover we are trying to build a single organisation through out the country, We would like to request our comrades through out India to build our organisation in those place
s where organisation is sleeping under some one's briefcase. So, we request our readers to act prudently before writing your comments in this Blog and we are reopening our comments box.

- Long live AICEIA
- Long live our Unity
It is good that the comments box is kept open. It helps everyone in many ways...Congratulations and good luck to Mr.PV Raju, on his elevation..
I think the word verification option may be removed and the comments may be moderated so that it will be easy to post comments for us and it will be easy for the administrator to delete unwanted comments.
Thanks for restoring the comment box. Critics are best friends and one may learn from them to remove drawbacks.
It reinforces the fact that our association is a democratic institution, where rational and fair criticism is taken as a gesture of friendliness.
Lastly, restoration of facility was required not only that our orgianization is just and fair, but also that it should also appear to be just, fair and democratic.
Long Live Association
Have faith in our comrades
Jai Hind,
Bhagwan Singh
Branch Secretary
Ludhiana Branch, Punjab.
The association will grow only when it learns to listen to the critics and rectify the defects, if any. Further, in many places, it is very difficult for the members to wait for the concerned office members to give them the latest position. I am of the firm belief that we have only made ourselves powerful thorugh dissemination of information. I am happy to see that our requests to throw open the blog have been accepted. Let us not forger that information is power.
Dear Shri.Koushik,
I am one of the persons who has been effected by the happenings subsequent to the Calcutta High Court's stay. The DPC in Chennai Zone was scheduled to be on 24.03.2010, but subsequently postponed. As on 24.03.2010, I was within the striking distance of the much awaited promotion, though I belong to the General category. However, on 29.07.2010 i had received a chargesheet. The Board's letter states that promotions are effective from 30.09.2010. As such, it appears that my being under cloud makes me ineligible for promotion, though I am listed as tenth in the seniority list(genl).
Kindly take up the matter in the appropriate forum to grant me appropriate relief
do'nt give up. take comments and critics in fair manner. As you are in receving end you should bear all this. OK. Dharna programme before CC Coimbatore was a grand success. As many as 200 comrades from TRY, TTN,CBE,Salem, MDU, T'veli participated. So, what next. Kindly chart out our next course of agitational programmes immediately.
Please ask ALL CCAs to notify the vacancy as on 30.09.2010,No. of Inspectors considered; No. of inspectors clered by DPC; Category how many General, SC and ST. And also out come Review DPC. Remember there should be two DPCs one Regular and another Review DPC. I hope I am not wrong. Please do the needful
thanks for restoring discussion box. let us hope every one uses restrined words. give due respect to others, the same that they expect from others.
long live unity of cadre.
there's an age old adage 'Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you' - so to all the critics out there, before you point that finger or express an opinion just ask yourself whether you have done what it takes to shore up your association on the issue at hand
Thanks koushik da,
Hope our members now would have evaluated how important and valuable is the comments coloumn. How important is the comments/opinions of the subjects for the leaders, without which we are ofcourse in nowhere. Each one will use it as a valuable gift of the democracy and use it decently and effectively.
To the knowledge of all the members the Dharna on 15th in front of CC,s Office at Coimbatore was a grand success. About 250 members including members from Trichy, Tuticorin, Salem, Madurai have not only sat on dharna but actively participated in the deliberations thoughout the day. Infact the gathering disbursed only after the office hours. Thanks to the overwhelming support. Others may also post their stories.
I appreciate the efforts of our leaders without which the Re-structuring in this shape/speed wouldn't have been possible.
The DPC at Chennai CCA is postponned to 27 and 28 of Oct. CCR of all the Reserved Category officers who have completed 8 years of service as on 2010 is called I.e 2002 batch Inprs. Gradings of 87-88 inprs are called for re fixing the Seniority. It appears there are 84 vacancies at Chennai CCA.There appears to be many backlog vacancies. Kindly post about the position of Other CCA to get ourselves updated.
Long Live AICEIA.
My dear Kousik,
I would like to know under which constitution Mr.Vigneshwar Raj was appointed as Secretary of AP Circle and GS of Hyderabad Unit.I would like to have a direct & precise reply pl.
Dear Kousik,
Please do not delete comments of members, who may differ from ur ideologies.
we have no knowledge abt our general Secretary of Hyderabad and Secretary A.P. Circle as well, if there is no organisational leadership in any Zone/Circle then it is the duty of the secretary general to find leadership in that zone / circle as par the duty and responsibility inscribed in the constitution, if any body has courage to inquire about this soft activity kindly mail us, give ur mobile no and put ur name in the blog and ur place of posting, don't forget to let us know whether ur a valid member of this association or not and last but not the least whether ur zone/circle association contributing the only recognised all India Association regularly... kindly let me know in my mail address, don't hide ur self under a Vail, its not a war its all about our cadre, certainly if you start writing something non-palatable we are at our liberty to delete these comments for ever.. thank you good luck
Dear Shri.Koushik,
Please refer my blog dated
September 23, 2010 2:35 PM. Kindly comment on the issue.
MR. MRKUMAR , how you are expecting such data ? Main problem is Kolkata Zone . A simple information is that Kolkata zone prepared a review DPC for giving effect from 1997 but did not gave so . With the help of a DOPT’s OM of 2005, they started to maintain the Merit quota with effect from 2002. But it is seen from the Seniority list that in first financial year i.e; 2002-03 , Inspector got promotion more than 400 hundred as Superintendent but only 20 SC inspector got promotion as Superintendent as Reserve Quota . Even after High Court’s Order, the picture is clouded .
Dear Murali,
We are trying our level best on the issue referred by you, as we are getting no time we were unable to update your blog properly. as of now no crrective measure taken by board, they wanted a fresh representation fro our Asscn.
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