Charter of demand
1. Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.
2. Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulate package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of converge of the schemes under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 and creation of National Fund for the Unorganized Sector to provide for a National Floor Level Social Security to all unorganized Sector workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in Unorganized Sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.
5. Disinvestment of shares of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is used for expansion and modernization purpose and also for revival of sick Public Sector Undertakings.
6. Fill up all vacant posts and lift the ban on recruitment.
7 Stop outsourcing/contractorisation of Governmental functions
8. Regularise all daily rated workers/employees/;Grameen Dak Sewaks and remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments; end the discrimination in the bonus ceiling of GDS employees.
9. Withdraw PFRDA bill and extend the statutory defined benefit pension scheme to all Government employees
10. Guarantee right to strike as a fundamental right of employees.
Part II
Demands pending settlement in the Department of Revenue:
- Inspectors should get at least three promotion in service life, The ongoing cadre restructuring exercise should cater the aspirations of Group B executive cadres.
- Notional fixation of pay of Inspectors of Central Excise in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500 should be provided with effect from 01.01.1996.
- Fixation of minimum pay corresponding to pre-revised scale of Rs. 7450-11500 consequent to revision of grade-pay ordered on 13.11.2009.
- Anomaly in pay of 1992 batch Inspectors who received ACP prior to 21.04.2004.
- Inspectors’ next promotional Grade Pay should be Rs. 5400/-
- Lifting of ban on ICT
- JCM s should be conducted at the Board level and at local level at regular intervals.
| ALL 15/1 Strand Road, Custom House, M.S.Building, 7th floor, Kolkata-700001 (Affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers) Recognised by Ministry of Finance [vide F.No.B.12017/1/2004-Ad.IV A dated 31.12.07 & 14.1.08] |
President : Arun Zachariah.P 09447037011 Working President: A.S. Kundu 09426746721 Vice President (NZ): Lekh Raj Meena Vice President (SZ): N. Venkitakrishnan Vice President (WZ): V.K.Tyagi Vice President (EZ): Sanjay Singh Vice President (CZ): S.K. Panda Secretary General: Kousik Roy 09831007827 Asst. Secy. General: N. Balraj 09849859460 Liaison Secretary: Shibaji Ch. Nayak 09437090969 Jt. Secretary (NZ): Aabhay Singh Jt. Secretary (SZ): Shankar Rao Jt. Secretary (WZ): R.B.Meena Jt. Secretary (EZ): Pramod K. Dhal Address for Correspondence: Block-‘B’ Flat No. 301 68, Phone : 03322420693 Cell : 09831007827 E.Mail: Web Page : | Ref.No. AICIEA/CBEC/169/2010 18.08.2010 To The Chairman, Central Board of Excise and Customs, North Block,
The Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers, to which the ALL INDIA CENTRAL EXCISE INSPECTORS’ ASSOCIATION is affiliated have decided to organize one day strike on 7th September, 2010 in pursuance of the charter of demands enclosed and accordingly have served the notice for the strike on the Government. I in my capacity as the Secretary General of the All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Association, am to inform you that the employees of the Central Board of Excise and Customs who are members of All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Association will be on strike on 7th September, 2010. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Kousik Roy) Secretary General Encl: 1. Strike Notice of Confederation 2. Charter of demands |
I feel that SG and the president of AICEIA is aware of the fact that Monistry of Finance, Department of Revenue/ Finance Minister has approved for the provision mobile connection (may be reimbursement of mobile charges) to all 51000 employees and officers of the Income Tax department and provision of lap-top to all its ITOs on returnable basis (of course they insisted for lap-tops on non-returnable basis)
Our own ministry is treating CBEC and CBDT in a different way. Why such aperthid attitude of the ministry?
What the Association is going to do?
I feel that SG and the president of AICEIA is aware of the fact that Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue/ Finance Minister has approved, on 10.8.2010 for the provision mobile connection (may be reimbursement of mobile charges) to all 51000 employees and officers of the Income Tax department and provision of lap-top to all its ITOs on returnable basis (of course they insisted for lap-tops on non-returnable basis)
Our own ministry is treating CBEC and CBDT in a different way. Why such aperthid attitude of the ministry?
It is also to be noted the CBDT is conducting a quarterly meeting withits employees and the minutes are recorded and communicated to all.
Why not by our board also? though there is a machinery called JCM, nothing fruitful is happening and the meeting is also not being conducted at a regular interval.
What the Association is going to do?
call for strike on 7 september is a right decision. it is better if superintendent association will also participated with inspector's association. this is high time to bargain some goods things from cbec.
Big Questions.
What Calcutta court does tomorrow?
How long CBEC will take to implement decision of Calcutta High Court.
Another Question?
What prevents CBEC from ordering Ad Hoc promotions of Inspectors in the grade of Superintendent, if the stay continues.
Ad-hoc promotions can be ordered even if there is injubction order.
The Calcutta case is as regards inter-se seniority. Ad hoc promotions does not offer any right of seniority.
When there are proposals for removing stagnation in Inspector cadre and hundreds or a few thousand of Inspectors will be promoted as Superintendent in the cadre restructuring, what is logic in stopping even adhoc promotions.
DOPT instructions regarding adhoc appointment/promotions allow adhoc promotions even in the eventuality of injunction by the court.
Moreover promotion is a fundamental right of an employee. This right is further strengthened when you don't get promotion even after 18-20 years of service while your counterparts enjoy regular promotions.
Let AICEIA approach Board to withdraw order dated 23.03.2010 or ask the Board to modify order to the extent that this order is not applicable to CCAs following Rota Quota.
Comments welcome.
RTI reply
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
New Delhi
Dated : August 6, 2010
Subject : Application for seeking information under the RTI Act, 2005-Reg.
With reference to your RTI application dated 30.6.2010 (received by me on 8.7.2010), I am furnishing below the requisite information in prescribed proforma:
Post Sanctioned Strength Working Strength as on 30.6.2010 Post Vacant Reason for not filing the post
Chief Commissioner 47 39 8 Action to fill up the vacant posts is being progressed regularly.
Commissioner 295 266 29
Addl. + Joint Commissioner 593 532 61
Dy. + Assistant Commissioner 1744* 1408 336
* 12 Additional posts of AC/DC are sanctioned in CBEC.
2. If you are not satisfied with the reply, you may file an appeal within 30 days before the Appellate Authority. The name, address, telephone number, etc. of the Appellate Authority is as under.
Shri R Sanehwal
Appellate Authority & Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Deptt. of Revenue, CBEC, North Block,
Room No. 52, New Delhi - 110001
Tel : 011-23092401
(S K Deb)
CPIO & Under Secretary to the Government of India
ear all
The latest O.M. of Dopt dated 10.8.2010 is highly confusing and intriguing. When an officer has been initially appointed/recruited on the basis of reservation by relaxing the normal qualifications/standards ( not by virtue of merit) how they can be considered under unreserved quota at the time of getting promotions. Without the benefit of reservation they would not be recruited/appointed in the first place. If this order is implemented the balance between the reserved and general quoto candidates will be disturbed. Once roster has been implemented and reservations provided by the Constitution has been provided/achieved such foolish orders will disturb the existing ratio. This order is also totally against the verdict passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court is R.K. Sabharwal case where in it has been observed by the Hon'ble Court that "It is to be remembered that the equality of opportunity guaranteed by clause (1) is to each citizen of the country while clause (4) contemplates special provision being made in favor of socially disadvantaged classes. Both must be balanced against each other. Neither should be allowed to eclipsed the other............if the reservation is permitted in the vacancies after all the posts in a cadre are filled then serious consequences would ensue and the general category is likely to suffer considerably. ------ On the contrary if the roster is permitted to operate till the total posts in a cadre are to be filled by the same category of persons whose retirement etc. caused the vacancies then the balance between the reserve category and the general category shall always be maintained".
This being the judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, How the SC/ST Association is able to get such a flabbergasting order from Dopt totally against the Hon'ble Supreme Court Orders is to be investigated by CBI.
Members of Non SC/ST category Unite Now. We are being taken for a ride. There is absolutely no sense in vicitmising the members of general category inspectors in zones where rota-quota is being maintained as per norms. Still we the general candidates are not able to get Justice. We have to move higher Court and get Justice. But the Association is still being fooled/or pretending to be foolish and taking a stoic stand. The Association should stand by the Aims and Objectives and if any memeber who is acting against the spirit of the Aims and Objectives of the Association cannot be considered as the memeber of the Asociation. The action of M/s. Samiran Roy & Co whole heartedly supported by the entire SC/ST Community is acting against the aims and objectives of the Association. Still the Association Office Bearers is pretending to be unaware of the same and do not prefer to get justice for its general quota members on the fear that the SC/ST members will switch alliance and join some other group. What for do you want to hold on to your chairs if you cannot protect the rights of your members. Till now we have seen politicians doing such things in the name of vote bank, now very disgusting to note that our present office bearers at all india level are also doing the same thing.
Now the writing is very clear on the wall. Every friday on some pretext or the other M/s. Samiran & Co is managing to delay the lifting of stay. We have to move Hon'ble Supreme Court for Justice and also against the Dopt latest orders. Why the Additional Solicitor General is failing to convince the Court about the unnecessary victimization of the general candidates in zones where rota-quota system is being implemented is a big mystery.
Mr Surya,
I agree to what you have stated above to a large extent and well understand the pain and anguish of our members like u. But, my dear friend, in such circumstances, we have to be extra patient; this situation has been created by our administrators, and not by particular individuals, though they may be misguided/misinformed and may also suffer in the long run in the process; the agony has been aggravated by the acute stagnation; the only thing stinging the members of general candidates appears to be delay in promotions, due to stay of Court, after prolonged stagnation.
However, it is still high time that we divert our energies towards better cause; why not be fight for removal of stagnation; why cannot we fight for promotions after fixed intervals; why should our qualifying service be not reduced to 3 years like in CBDT for promotion to next grade of Superintendent; why should we not get promotion at par with the other reserved categories because there is minimum qualifying period for promotion to the next grade and a by the elapse of such minimum qualifying period, every general candidate should also get promotion; why should not we plead for limited departmental competitive exams for promotion to the higher grades so that merit is promoted and meritorious among our cadre reach the top echelons of hierarchy. These are some of the questions we should ponder over and try to get justice.
It is high time that we are able awake from long slumber and fight unitedly; in our zone, two-three Group B Gazetted Officers with strong determination are giving sleepless nights to the high ranking administrators; so, united we can achieve a lot; divided we are sure to loose; it is for us whether to grab this opportunity to get a fair deal in the present restructuring exercise or get embroiled in inter-se fightings and loose whatever little is expected in the ongoing restructuring exercise in the CBEC, which does not appear to be as transparent and as fair as it ought to be.
We should all appeal to the All India Officer bearers to get a fair deal; get promotions on a time bound and length of service criteria; it will put a end to a lot of unsavoury controveries; let not the energies of our office bearers be diverted towards unnecessary and unsavoury controveries and let us appeal to the cadre as a whole to stand behind them like a solid rock at this crucial hour.
We should try to build a strong platform with the Superintendents, with whom most of our fortunes and misfortunes are connected.
By all this, it is not the intention to retaliate/rubbish/negate whatever the others feel on these issues; only humble and small endeavour is to unite at this crucial hour and get the unjustice undone to as large an extent as best we can do, if not in totality.
friendly yours
Bhagwan Singh
Ludhiana, Punjab
Date after date.
You can,t expect disposal of calcutta case next week. Assume that the case will be adjourned next week or judgement may be kept reserved.
The Cadre is losing patience. The OM 28036/8/87-ESTT.(D) dated 30.3.1988 of DOPT provides for ad-hoc promotions even in the case of injunction order by a court or tribunal. Then why penalise the Inspectors in those CCA s where rota quota is followed. Even the SC/ST category Inspectors are suffering alongwith General/OBC Inspectors in these Zones.
Can AICEIA take up matter with the CBEC to immediately withdraw or modify its directive dated 23.3.2010 to all CCAs.
Preferably, CBEC should take up this issue suo-moto to boost the morale of the cadre.
'Educate yourself, come together and stand for your rights,' Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Let us follow Babasaheb's advice in all its spirits.
dear mr surya (the enlightened one)
first of all i do take the pain to write to you with all respect even if you have all the venom you can gather towards the most hatred section of the society for more than 1000 years. When we are trying to get ourselves enlightened like you (especially you sir) you are making hue and cry that CBI should be let loose against us. We welcome that from our fellow brethren who have in their mind such venom in store for us, I think our beloved association is not only for the general caste candidate but for the privileged classes too. Why dont you suggest the association to sack all the sc/st members, who as per your version working against Aims and Objectives of association. Respected sir, we are fighting our long standing demand of implementing the saberwal case and in 11 zones it has already been implemented from 1997 onwards only and not a single words have been raised so far. Only the KOLKATA people and 4 other zones took it as their own fiefdom and did not care to implement it though they implemented it from 2005 and no words raised till now.
and respected sir, samiran roy and company did not managed anything, one case from kendriya vidyalaya came up and it took more than 1.5 hours and thus all other cases including us were postponed. It seems sir you are taking all possible stance to defame us. please have the news in full and not in truncated manner and write in this blog as many wise people are reading this blog. You are just exposing yourself. Put the venom aside, and you will realize we are also good people and there is no reason to let loose CBI against us. You know what you are spreading hatred towards us in all possible manner and you yourself call as the surya (the enlighten), oh what a fallacy, but we indian are used to it. WHAT PAINS IS THE OFFICE BEARERS OF OUR ASSOCIATION ARE ALSO ENDORSING MR SURYA(the enlighten) BY KEEPING MUM ON THEIR PART.
Three SC superintendents demoted in Chandigarh zone due to Samiran Roy case.
Is self interest above community interest.
Even in kolkata zone, SC insp promoted in 1997 will lose seniority.
Friends, when the misery comes, it takes its toll and does not differentiate between men on the basis of categories; the SC Officers in the other zones are also suffering for non-promotion due to stay order of the Court. So the real issues need be pondered over and infighting is no solution.
Jai Hind
Who can make a clear analysis how the judgement (either way) is going to have its impact? Somebody can attempt an impartial write-up.
Dear Rajesh,
Sometimes TRUTH hurts. I have no venom against anybody. When the truth is placed before you are not willing to accept it with a cool head. As i have repeatedly blogged I strongly raise my voice for implementing the constitutional rights provided to the under privileged section of our society. And I again go steps forwards to contribute my might, better than you, to mitigate the sufferings of the said sections. You are always talking about getting promotions ahead of your general category brethren, but what about the less privilege members of the community who do not have any decent job. Do you know how they are living and how they are being exploited. What ever blogs I am seeing in the site in the name of supporting the SC/ST communities are only crocodile tears. I take this opportunity to inform you that my words are always being translated into actions and i am contributing in waht ever ways posssible to help the community. When I blogged that some members have got their promotions to C. Ex Superintendents within just 8 years by virtue of reservation you are not accepting the facts and blogging that I am spreading rumours. That means that even you cannot digest and accept such an anomaly and injustice. This anomaly has happened because reservation was made applicable to upgradation posts of Central Excise Inspectors. What is the meaning and purpose of upgradation -What has has been implemented to mitigate the acute stagnation of the cadre by upgrading the senior officers to their next higher posts and abolishing the lower posts- what do we see. When persons with more than 15 years of experience as Inspectors are stagnating, a person with just 8 years of Service is getting promoted in the name of reservation during upgradation. That is why the Hon'ble Apex Court has held that in the event of non addition of any posts in the upgradations, the reservation norms shall not be applicable. The implementation of the decision is sub-judice and likely to come to finality within the next month.
I request you to check up the dictionary and try to understand the word empathy. Practice it and then you will be able to comprehend my blogs with a much cooler and level head.
Regarding M/s. Samiran & Co it was blogged in the site that during the hearing on 6th and 13 th when the Hon'ble Juidges were about to dipose off the case, the lawyers of M/s. Samiran & Co pleaded to postpone on the first instance that they want to consult their clients and on the second occassion that a letter from Dopt was received by the Secretary of SC/ST
Association that they are willing to implement the roster from 1995. Even in the latest O.M dated 10.8.2010 it has been clarifed that roster has been made effective from 1997 only. That is why I say that they are not interested in getting a decision, but want to indefinitely postpone the issue. On another occasion when the Hon'ble Judge was considering the lifting of stay they pleaded that the stay is necessary to obtain the details called for by the Hon'ble Court. What sadistic pleasure is M/s. Samiran & Co getting by delaying the promotions of inspectors in zones where the reservation norms are being implemented correctly. Do some self introspection, then you will not spit such venom against me.
See the site for scroll on some news regarding Restructuring our other bother's flash news intresting dream. kuch jhute baath bhi ho lekin sun ne ko acha hai.may god bless us to make it true.
Dear friends,
Let us not pelt stones at each other and divide on caste basis. Its true that there are zones where our own brethren got promotions once they completed 08 eight years service due to reservation benefits whereas in zones like Mumbai, Nagpur and Shillong people are waiting for their first promotion after putting in 22 years (1988 batch direct recruits). It is a shame on our department as well as the central government itself. I personally feel that reservation in promotion is in violation of article 14 as it is against equality and equal protection of laws. However, my humble request is that do not make this a debate as it is purely my personal opinion.
In fact, I had put in 19 years and waiting for my first promotion whereas my juniors got their right after 8 to 12 years and many of them are now 4 to 8 years senior to me. This situation is never going to change and no government will dare to alter it. So we have no other choice but to bear it silently or quit service and join pvt sector where merit counts (if you are dare enough).Fridays will come and go, but our fate is sealed. Nobody is bothered about our collegues who retired from service without promotion due to the stay and the huge financial loss they had to incur.
There is no good to any one by using abusive language at one another. Use the blog for constructive interaction and to pass on good information.
Dear Mr.Sreedhar,
Hats off to you! I bow before your thoughts and comments..I read the blog and the comments on this page regularly and your comment comes as a whiff of fresh air in this otherwise controversial and divisive opinions.
The one thing that it shows is that there are good people around..i.e., very good people who are out there and whatever we have seen all these days do not count for anything, as that does not reflect the true, correct and full picture!
Please continue to write your thoughts..
with regards
Balu, Bangalore
after reading post of Surya 23 August Post, i feel he should be named "Jaisurya".
He has summed up the plight of Inspector and esp. gencat inspetor quite succintly.
dear mr surya
i respect your attitude towards the underprivileged class if that is even 10% true. So far i have collected from my kolkata friends sc officers who have completed 18 years of service yet to get their promotion, from where you have got the news of getting promotion within 8 years or so is not known to me, you can check it out from kolkata zones. You must also realize that dopt has rectified its earlier order and directed to implement the same from 1997, if that is so, why it took 15 years to rectify such order that too when the case is subjudice. its a fact that same amount of hatred is being nourished by a certain section of people, had we not got the support of general caste inspectors who really feel for us we never would have made upto this point(THOUGH THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION AND I DO THINK I AM RIGHT AND I AM OF THIS OPINION AFTER GOING THROUGH THIS BLOG ONLY). With all the crocodile tears at my command i want to let you know that if constitution does not provide us this opportunity our fate would have been the same what you have written in your earlier blog sir, WE ARE ONLY FIGHTING FOR OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS SIR, if it is wrong we dont deserve it and if right you cannot snatch it away from us as you people did before.
and sir, i once again request you to stop humiliating in one way or other towards us in this blog.
Dear Rajesh,
You still doubt my words. Some Inspectors have already approached the Hon'ble court in this regard highlighting the anomaly created by implementing reservation in upgradation posts contrary to the Hon'ble Apex Courts decision. Kolkota zone is not only Central
Excise zone in India. Before disputing the facts and criticizing me, you ought to have checked up with your friends in other zones, as to whether there is any veracity in my statement.
Also the implementation of Dopt latest O.M is hardly going to make any great impact because not much reserved category officers are going to be promoted by virtue of seniority, for the simple reason that the consideration zone for promotion in respect of the reserved category is 5X+2, where as for the general category is only 3X+2. So the officers belonging to reserved category must already have been promoted ahead of their general category seniors and the question of reserved category officers getting promoted in the normal course by virtue of seniority is very rare, except during restructuring / upgradation.
Before signing off I wish to quote a cliche
"Before finding fault with any person, Beware, because a greater fault lies within you". Because it is only because of the fault within a person that he is finds fault with others.
I am still at a loss to understand in what way I have humiliated anybody. Just pointing out the facts about the injustice rendered to the general category officers as a result of Kolkotta high court stay cannot be termed as humiliation of reserved category.
And also I have to tell you that the Sun is within everybody. YOU HAVE TO JUST ALLOW IT TO SHINE
Raj kataria
Dear friends why we are fighting on cast basis? its very bad, we r still living in the age of childhood of the huminity! How strange is it?
Plz through down all types of venoms from your minds. Be unite and hagitate for your bais rights like time bound promotions for all categories.
Jai Hind
Raj From Ludhiana
dear mr surya
"Before finding fault with any person, Beware, because a greater fault lies within you". Your quote is admitted, i apologize to you for finding any fault, though it goes against me or my fellow brethren. It was a serious fault on my part to point out your fault. I apologize once again
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