Dear Comrades,
As decided in the Central Executive Committee Meeting of the AICEIA held at Hyderabad on 27th and 28th of January, 2012, the Association served its Strike Notice on 6th of February, 2012; a few Circles and Branches had already forwarded Strike Notice and charter of demand to the respective authorities; Circles & Branches who have not yet forwarded the strike notice yet are requested to forward the same immediately to their respective authorities.
All the circles and branches are hereby requested to hold unit level meeting in every corner of their respective cadre controlling zones on the issues pertaining to the 28th February Strike.
As decided in the CEC Hyderabad, office bearers asked for an appointment with the Chairman & Mem(P&V) on the following points:
- Minimum fixation after correction of Grade pay from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/- should be implemented forthwith.
- Clarifications on the Inter Commissionerate transfer as requested by the association should be issued immediately.
- Implementation of Judgment dt.17.1.2012 of the CAT Bombay Bench for notional fixation of revised pay scale from 01.01.1996.
- To resolve the ratio issue for promotion to the grade of Assistant Commissioner.
- PFRDA bill should be scrapped and all possible help to the working classes organisation would be initiated for this.
- Inspectors of 2002 batch should be promoted in this restructuring across the country.
- Base cadre seniority to be taken as the criteria for the promotions to Gr.A posts in the CBEC.
- Regional disparities in the grade of Inspector to Superintendent promotion should be wiped off in the ensuing cadre restructuring.
- Superintendent’s grade pay should start from 5400/- grade pay.
- All vacancies in the Inspector grade should be filled up immediately.
In the letter itself it was intimated to the Board that the Association was going for a lunch hour demonstration on 8th Feb, 2012. Board, thereafter, called us and a meeting took place under the Chairmanship of the Member (P&V), Joint Secretary(ADMN.), D.G (HRD), ADG(HRM), Director (AD-IIA) & Deputy Secretary(AD-IIIB).
The gist of the outcome of the meeting as stated by the official side:
· Board has sent the reply to the queries made by the D.O.P&T
· Special dispensation has already been made for North Eastern Region to remove stagnation, for the other eight zones Board is in the process of working it out.
· Regional disparity would not be solved immediately, but a few stagnating zones like Maharastra, M.P & Chattisgarh, Pune & Chandigarh etc shall get relief through this restructuring.
Base cadre seniority & Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- could not be resolved as both the issues are purportedly sub-judice.
· Regarding the notional fixation wef 1.1.1996, Board is ready to forward our file to expenditure as soon as the CAT Bombay Bench Judgment is implemented in CBDT. In fact it is intimated to us that a file containing similar proposal and two VVIP references are still pending in Expenditure.
· We have submitted the resolution adopted in the CEC, Hyderabad to different officials inclusive of Member (P&V); as directed by the chair I would like to request all our leaders through out the country to provide detailed list of pending vigilance cases within a fortnight.
· Board had already intimated to all the CCAs to conduct the annual D.P.C by 31st March, 2012.
Joint Action Committee in Central Board of Excise & Customs consisting of Group ‘C’, Group’D’ organizations in Central Excise & Customs and All India Central Excise Inspectors Associations met in New Delhi on 9th February, 2012. Central Excise Superintendents’ Association was also invited for this meeting due to time constraint they could not attend it.
The meeting was presided over by Mr. Gaikwad from Central Excise and Sri B.D.Survey from Customs. The meeting observed with great despair that the CBEC has not yet bothered to call Joint Action Committee after a lapse of one complete year.
It was unanimously decided that Board and the different formations of Government of India have to complete the Cadre restructuring process immediately taking in to account the submission made by the Joint Action Committee in CBEC on 25.01.2011; Hence, it was unanimously decided that All the organizations shall:
1) BOYCOTT Central Excise day Celebration on 24th of February, 2012.
The next course of action would be as follows:
2) 16th March 2012 mass walk out from 14.00 hours to 16.00 hours
3) 23rd March 2012 mass walk out from 14.00 hours to 18.00 hours
4) 30th March 2012 Sign and walk out
All the leaders shall gather at New Delhi on 4th of April, 2012 to take a stock of the situation and to formulate next course of action.
*** All the Branch & Circle Secretary’s are hereby requested to call office beares meeting and general body meetings immediately to discuss over the programmes and to take concrete decision on the steps required to be taken.
Secretary General would be campaigning in Ahmedabad on 22nd of this month.
Joint Secretary (West zone) is requested to campaign in Pune and Mumbai;
Assistant Secreatry General & Jt. Secretary (Central Zone) would be campaigning in M.P. & Chattisgarh;
President and Working President shall cover Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Joint Secretary (SZ) and Vice president (South Zone) shall campaign Karnataka and AP.
Vice President (North) shall have to campaign in Delhi & in Punjab ; Joint Secretary (North) shall have to campaign in Rajasthan and in Delhi;
Campaign in Delhi would be done along with Organising secretary and the General Secretary Delhi (Com.H.S.Bajaj).
Liason Seretary along with Vice President (Central Zone) & Vice president (East) shall campaign in West Bengal, Bihar and in Orissa .
Jt. Secretary (East) shall campaign in North East and in West Bengal.
All the office bearers stated above should initiate immediate process to campaign the entire programme to the respective areas indicated against their names;
Slogan for the strike action on 28th Feb 2012 & organisational action programme on 24th Feb 2012:
ü No contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry/establishment.
ü Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 10,000/-.
ü Remove the ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.
ü Assured Pension for all. Scrap PFRDA bill, reintroduce pension and provident fund for all those who have joined after 01.01.2004.
ü Enhance interest rate on G.P.F immediately.
ü Merge 50% D.A. with Pay Band and announce next Pay Commission.
ü Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO conventions 67 and 96.
ü Immediate implementation of CR proposals in the CBEC.
ü Guarantee at least 3 time bound functional promotions for Inspectors.
ü Immediate implementation of CAT Mumbai Judgment in CBEC and CBDT.
Kousik roy
The President,
All office Bearers,
Circle and Branch Secretaries Comradely Yours
For wide circulation