![]() | ALL 15/1 Strand Road, Custom House, M.S.Building, 7th floor, Kolkata-700001 (Affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers) Recognised by Ministry of Finance [vide F.No.B.12017/1/2004-Ad.IV A dated 31.12.07 & 14.1.08] |
President : Arun Zachariah.P 09447037011 Working President: A.S. Kundu 09426746721 Vice President (NZ): Lekh Raj Meena Vice President (SZ): N. Venkitakrishnan Vice President (WZ): V.K.Tyagi Vice President (EZ): Sanjay Singh Vice President (CZ): S.K. Panda Secretary General: Kousik Roy 09831007827Asst. Secy. General: N. Balraj 09849859460 Liaison Secretary: Shibaji Ch. Nayak 09437090969 Jt. Secretary (NZ): Aabhay Singh Jt. Secretary (SZ): Shankar Rao Jt. Secretary (WZ): R.B.Meena Jt. Secretary (EZ): Pramod K. Dhal Address for Correspondence: Block-‘B’ Flat No. 301 68, Phone : 03322420693 Cell : 09831007827 E.Mail: | Ref. No. AICIEA/CBEC/43/2011 24.01.2011 To, Shri. Sumit Dutt Majumder Chairman,Central Board of Excise &Customs, Ministry of Finance, North Block, Sir, Sub: Cadre restructuring 2010-11 – Reg We thank you for convening the meeting of all the recognized associations on 18.01.2011 and your efforts to bring in transparency while finalizing the restructuring proposal. While reiterating our submission to you on 16.12.2010 we would like to offer the following suggestions as our response to the presentation made in the meeting:
In anticipation of a favourable response, I remain. Yours faithfully KOUSIK SECRETARY GENERAL |
Friday, January 28, 2011
CR response
Posted by Secretary General on 1/28/2011 05:21:00 PM with 23 comments
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I come to know from reliable source in HRD that the proposal of CR-10 has been finalised by baord and it is only favourable to IRS and Ministrial cadre. There is no benifit for Superintendents and least benifit for Inspectors. IRS officer only taking time to call meetings and representions. They may be disclose the proposal after/ in March 2011.
I request the association officers to cross check the above mentioned informatioin.
Dictionary meaning of in-situ is
1.being in the original position
2.not having been moved
6.remaining in an original state
7.persisting unaltered through time
Whether aiceia accepted the offer of in-situ or yet to discuss the matter with their masters.
This situation is like that one cricket player is trying to get a catch without any ball in the game.
If you do not want any change...
If you want to remain the same..
If you want no more...
only then you accept this indecent hypothetical proposal.
One must know that always flowing water of a river is fresh & pure but stationary water body is treated as filthy stock.
One person called his two grandsons and said: "Look. I will give each of you 10 acres of land and proceed on pilgrimage to Kasi. When I come back after 10 years, I would like to see the land full of trees and birds. The first grandson cultivated the land and grew a large number of trees. Automatically, birds also arrived.
The second grandson sold the land of 10 acres and purchased a flat in the city. He kept a variety of BONSAI trees in the small pots. He also purchased love birds and kept them in a cage.
After 10 years, the grandfather returned from Kasi and visited the grandsons. He was immensely pleased to see the land of the first grandson surrounded by trees and birds. The second grandson showed him the BONSAI trees and caged birds. With shock, the grandfather asked the second grandson: "what is this? I wanted real trees and free birds. How dare you show me the BONSAI and caged birds? The second grandson told him: "This is only the correct method. I had done this based on the advice of my friend."
The grandfather was furious. He yelled: "Who is that friend?, Give his telephone number. I will advise him that this is not the right way to grow trees. Trees are magnificent, which should be allowed to grow so as to serve as the shelter for thousands of birds."
The grandfather dialled the phone number of the friend of his second grandson. He heard the voice from the other end: "CBEC Chairman here!"
There is no clarification what will be length of service for in-situ promotions, how the seniority will be drawn after the in-situ promotions, wheher the period of service in-situ will be reckoned with for further promotions etc.
The letter of AICEIA does not speak about the view-point of the cadre towards the creation of posts at higher end ( principal chief commissioners etc.,- whether there is any functoional justification for them at all, especially keeping in view the attitude of the CBEC in reducing the posts at the lower level to meet expenditure cut requirements. Has any deal been struck on this account? or is there any quid-pro-co by the CBEC.
There is nothing on record to suggest reduction in the ratio of direct recruitment to group A service.
It appears that the letter is merely eye-wash; in point No.3, why there is no demand for change of RRs instead of relaxation in RRs.
This way, the monster of stagnation will grow stronger in the near future; we will be just puppets.
What will the fate of so-called insitu superintendents and insitu A
Cs, his uncertain.
Hope that the President and General Secretary will take some pains to clarify these points to the members.
with love and thanks,
Bhagwan Singh,
Dear President and Secretary General,
Do our association plan to take any direct action for achieving the genuine demands presented to the CBEC during the last one year; or the CBEC has accepted our demands in toto.
If the answer to both the above propostions is negative, whether the demands have been cut-short/down-graded. Kindly have inconvenience to explain.
whether the demands of inspectors have been accepted, if not, whether we plan to join the superinendents in their satgraha /agitation and wearing of black badges on excise day.
thanks and regards,
bhagwan singh
It seems now collection of fund is the only objective of aiceia, as the association is not responding to any of the queries which are genuinely worrying the cadre. The hyderabad customs website is flashing the news that the 5400 GP file has been transferred to DOPT and the matter is under active consideration. No such news on the association website. Is this matter not important enough to be posted here? There are also rumours that Chairman has declared that the cadre restructuring will be implemented from 15th Feb. Any truth in it?
Dear friends/Comrades
Please peruse the following bitter truth and bound our leaders to explain all the things without further delay:-
IN SITU (like RAC in Train) promotion will give confidence and mental relief to stagnating Inspector and Superintendent till regular promotion. CSS got in situ in addition to regular promotions in Sept 2010. The stagnating Inspectors of Shillong, Maharashtra, Indore, Allahabad,Jaipur, Chandigarh and Bihar etc., who have been ignored by our leaders till date will get in situ promotion up to the junior most Inspector promoted in Delhi, Gujarat or elsewhere.
The only action taken on the representation of our leaders is "STAFF FOR AUDIT IN THE ZONES, WHERE THERE IS NO NEW COMMISSIONERATES COMMING UP WILL HAVE ADDITIONAL STAFF. This will benefit WB, TN & Kerala becoz Additional posts of Supdt. will be diverted to these places from the nearby zones having posts vacant for want of eligible candidates like Delhi, Gujarat, AP, Karnataka, Orissa, Bihar etc.
Silence of leaders is also an attempt to murder of democracy.
Now I think that Mr Roy is very much liable to disclose all the things before CEC meeting in New Delhi.
I also request all the friends/comrades (irrespective of their position in their Circle Association) to join the CEC meeting at Delhi to watch their interest and hidden game of the leaders.
Please remember -Abhi nahi to kabhi nahi.
With regards.
Trust is of utmost importance. The All India Leadership has to think of the good of all and so any small sacrifice for the greater good of all should be appreciated and not viewed as being robbed of my portion of the pie. If not for this active leadership would the general membership even known any detail of the CR process. On the home stretch i think you guys should be encouraging instead of back stabbing
My dear and respectabe Mr/Mrs. Netant.
refer ur above comments. I am afraid if asking our leadership to clarify some points amounts to back-stabbing.
Kindly learn from Superintendents assn; see cengokerala.org, go through their presentation to the cbec; are not those issues related directly to our cadre; or have we given up all such demands of parity; are we so weak to work under a junior by 15 to 25 years from customs side. Cannot the matters dealt with separately from CR implemented with or before CR; is there any bar, legally there appears to be none, to take up these issues conjointly. Will you on behalf of aiceia leadership please clarify these issues; do you think that we should songs of praise for our leaders come what may out of CR; or does our asking for some questions amounts to insult to these leaders; are these leaders not as dear to us as to anyone else from our cadre or even beyond; does one's attachment, support and faith in one's leadership tell him to hypothecate his conscience to them.
these are few of the questions coming to the mind of a general member of aiceia, who is traumatized not only by the monster of stagnation, but also by the apathetic attitude of our leaders at the moment.
hope they will speak, speak louder and win confidence of one and all.
bhagwan singh
8 Advantages of In Situ Promotion : Kudos to Asso.
There is not a single word against in situ promotion, which is expected given the working style of Roy. We having 22 years of service with no single promotion had to compromise with in situ promotion as an in situ promotion is having the following advantages.
1. He is not empowered to exercise powers under the Act, nor is he allowed to exercise higher duties and responsibilities conferred by the administration.
2. His promotion is not linked to the availability of vacancies in higher grade.
3. He will be awarded with pay fixation under FR(22)(1)(a)(1) which we already got under ACP.
4. His name will continue to be shown under Inspectors seniority list. With proud.
5. He will not be conferred with Gazetted rank.
6. He will get regular promotion as and when vacancies arise at higher grade, i.e like in the present scenario.
7. He need not have to move out of his present seat. Great thing. 8.That means in all cases he will be treated as Inspector. That are the advantage we are getting out of in situ promotion. Kudos to Asso.
The last hope of the staff of one of the greatest departments shattered.
A cadre is cheated.
Neither any mind applied in drafting the above letter to the Chairman nor the aspirations of the Cadre was taken into cosideration by the Comrades.
Good Fluters.
Base cadre seniority appears to be the only solution to all types of stagnation.
1974 inspectors of CEX and those of customs (PO) are yet to become AC. 1992 examiner already AC. In the current scenario 2006 examiner will become AC by 2013.
therefore, the only way out is demand and implement in-situ promotion as detailed below.
all Inspector with 10 years service - Supdt
All Supdt with 6 year service (2x qualifying service) or 18 years combined service as Supdt + insp -AC
All Supdt with 12 year service (2x6 yrs as per DoPT) or 25 years as Supdt + Insp -DC.
All Supdt with 18 year service or 30 year as Insp + Supdt -JC
only then there will be parity with Examiner cadre.
hope it is pursued to logical conclusion
Dear Shri. Nair,
Seen your post on 31.1.2011 12:55 PM. This post is contradictory to your post on 21.1.2011 7:25 AM which reads as follows:
"Dear Rajguru, I mean, give them strenght. You can bend it but be sure not to break it. Thanks for your sensible appreciation"
I just reminded you of your own versions on the same matter.
Please visit http://www.cengokerala.org/_documents/ref-13-11.pdf and see the representation of Supdt's Association. (It is not opening in Opera browser).
The silence of the AICEIA leadership amply proves that they are helpless due to the reasons known to them to speak out and protect the interest of the cadre at this crucial time.
So the members please wake up; let the CBEC not take advantage of signatures of individuals on dotted lines and play a cruel joke on us all this time again.
Better raise banner of revolt now than repenting afterwards.
regards to all
bhagwan singh
email : gillbs_887@rediffmail.com
Trumpet of aiceia ! wah!
we thought you have gone for hybernation
but you are still alive and active.
Do not pour acid on the tears of whole cadre(CE & ST) which was given by the pillars of aiceia not by irs because it was expected from them but not from own brothers.
You never mentioned that this was belonging to Income Tax Department.
Dear shri Raj Guru,
I accept the contradictions. It was really expected of the Comrades to sense and palpitate the feelings of the cadre from the comments we made in this blog.They failed acknoledge/consider any of the suggestions given by us. Now, the Comrades turned out to be insensitive to the feelings and aspirations of the cadre and had become insensible. They acted like dictactors. See the representation made by Shri. Ravi Mallik for supdt's association. How sensible it is. Atleast the comrades were expected to inter-act with them , atleast, before making such a pitiable, senseless and irresponsible representation
I support Mr. Raju for his indomitable courage and zeal by which he supports his masters. he is truely HMV (his masters Voice)
In my Commissionerate, there will be a preliminary meet today for conducting Excise Day celebrations. Though I have been called to attend the preliminary meet for organising the function, I am going to boycott the preliminary meet itself followed by Excise Day boycott.
Why the Association does not have that spirit? Is it not the duty of the Association to rally our strength? THE MEMBERS IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, CAN BOYCOTT THE FUNCTION EVEN WITHOUT THE CALL AND SUPPORT OF THE ASSOCIATION.
Will anybody inform the result of the hearing in the Supreme Court on 2.2.2011 relating to ratio case?
Dear friends,
When a DR A.C can be made Commissioner getting 04(four) promotions within 17 years in line with other civil service cadres why not an Inspector get similar treatment. We should also get the fair share of the ongoing CR.What we should do is form a common forum for agitation with Superintendents and show our strength to CBEC so that we can't be cheated further.We should categorically say that we will not allow the CR to take place at our cost.
Sreedhar. E
Dear friends,
The Association leaders are still alive and active.Not only that, they are very responsive to your comments in this blog.For example, they have withdrawn the comments of their ace supporter Mr P Raju from this blog. Where his "do not get excited" comments has gone?.The leaders do not want their ace supporter losing his credentials and others terming him as as a fool. We have to sit and seriously thinkabout the above subject. Why sofar the leaders of this Association has not demanded a BOARD manned by IAS than IRS. A simple demand could have gone a long way in solving some of our serous demands. Wake up Comrades.
Dear friends,
The Association leaders are still alive and active.Not only that, they are very responsive to your comments in this blog.For example, they have withdrawn the comments of their ace supporter Mr P Raju from this blog. Where his "do not get excited" comments has gone?.The leaders do not want their ace supporter losing his credentials and others terming him as as a fool. We have to sit and seriously thinkabout the above subject. Why sofar the leaders of this Association has not demanded a BOARD manned by IAS than IRS. A simple demand could have gone a long way in solving some of our serous demands. Wake up Comrades.
I was going through the power point presentation of HRD. The performance of AICEIA is the most pathetic. no proposal sponsored by AICEIA. Mr. Arun & Roy, we did not expect it from you.I donn't find any reason for your silence on the issue of restructuring which will have long lasting affect on the carrier of the member of cadre. Awake. Get out of shackles and face the Board. We are with you if you fight honestly. From the efforts put by you it appears that you have accepted the defeat. If so then please step down. It is better to have no leader instead of being led by some one who have no goal. That is sufficient.
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