Monday, May 27, 2013

CEC Notice, Organisational News

Posted by Secretary General on 5/27/2013 01:31:00 PM with No comments
Cadre Restructuring file of the CBEC is still with the Department of Expenditure. They had some queries about it, and two rounds of meetings between CBEC officials and  Deptt of Expenditure functionaries  were held. The Board now expects that Expenditure will clear the file very shortly following clarifications having been given by the CBEC on all issues raised.

All India office bearers of the AICEIA had occasion to visit Aurangabad, Nashik and Mumbai last week and interact with members and office bearers at all these three places. Eight meetings were held in all – at Aurangabad, Nashik, Raigad, Belapur, Thane, Worli, Churchgate, and Dharavi. Every single meeting was well attended and witnessed active participation of members – from the junior most to the seasoned.  AICEIA congratulates and appreciates the efforts of all members who have strived to strengthen the organisation and brought it to the robust shape it is in today. Particular mention needs to be made here of the tireless work done by Com Kousik Roy, who during his tenure as  Secretary General had made it as one of  his prime missions to revive the defunct Association in Mumbai, and the stellar roles played in this continuing endeavour  by Com. Shishir Agnihotri, Com. Anil Kumar and Com. Manish Roy, all present office bearers of the Mumbai Circle of the AICEIA. Also noteworthy are the valuable contributuions of  Com. P T Gaidhani  and Com Rajendra Bhavar of Nashik, and  Com. N K Chaudhari, Com.Vijay Giram and  Com.Sharad P Dhonde of Aurangabad in nurturing the organizations in their respective branches. At most of these places, we also had very cordial meetings with the Superintendents including office bearers of their Association at the national and regional levels. Opinions and views on prioritizing issues, and persuasive/agitational  methods to be a adopted, and the need to synergize the two Associations and make their combined strengths and numbers work in unison were shared in a free, fair and frank atrmosphere.  

A scanned copy of the Notice issued for the meeting of the CEC of the AICEIA at Shimla on 27th and 28th of  July’13 is appended. Same has  already been e-mailed to all CEC members.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

All India office bearers in Aurangabad, Nashik and Mumbai

Posted by Secretary General on 5/18/2013 01:46:00 PM with No comments

It is learnt that the CR proposal of CBEC is still going around in North Block only . The file dealing  with AICEIA’s demand to upgrade Inspectors all across the country to address stagnation and remove regional disparities  has reportedly moved to the Board now, from the DGHRD.
Com.Sanjay Srinivasan, Vice President(West) AICEIA informs that the hearing in the Mumbai Bench of CAT in our case for Notional Fixation of pay wef 01.01.1996 has been adjourned to 19th June, on account of the Bombay High Court not having decided yet the Govt  of India’s Writ  Petition challenging the CAT verdict on the same matter in which ITGOA had succeeded, besides the Court/CAT summer vacations having begun, and also because government counsel  requested for adjournment  when the case last  came up for hearing  in the first week of this month.
Meetings/Interaction  of Inspectors  with AICEIA national office bearers are planned at AURANGABAD (20th  May -evening) and NASHIK  (21st  May-evening).  

On 22nd    and 23rd   May similar programmes shall be arranged in MUMBAI, schedule of which is as follows: 
22.05.2013 : from 11.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs. at Raigad Commsionerate, from  13.00 hrs to 15.30 hrs at Belapur Commissionerate including a  general meeting of  members  at Belapur during lunch break. In the evening, visit to Wagle Estate Thane.
23.05.2013  from 11.00 hrs 12.30 hrs at Madhu Industrial Estae, Worli;  from 13.00 hrs to 15.30 hrs at Chuchgate Building, and a General meeting of members at Chuchgate during the lunch break. In the evening Dharavi office.

All Inspectors at the respective locations are requested to make it convenient to attend the meetings. For more details kindly contact  Com. Vijay Giram, General Secretary, Aurangabad Branch 9850960396 ,  Com. P T Gaidhani, General Secretary Nashik Branch 9422262674 . For details of programmes at Mumbai, Com Anil Kumar, President Mumbai Circle 9987048599  or Com Shishir Agnihotri, General Secretary, Mumbai Circle  9820924001 may be contacted.  

Ajit Kumar K G
Secretary General

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Recent Developments - Update

Posted by Secretary General on 5/01/2013 07:03:00 PM with No comments


Warm Fraternal Greetings on May Day.

Restructuring and Removal of Regional Disparities in Promotions

A meeting of National office bearers of the AICEIA was held at New Delhi on 29.04.2013. All issues concerning the cadre were  discussed in detail, especially the developments after the  Patna Convention. The stand that was to be taken by the AICEIA in the meetings with the DGHRD and other Board officials scheduled to be held later  the same  day and on 30.04.2013 was also deliberated upon and decided.

All AICEIA representatives present in Delhi for the meeting of office bearers also participated in the meeting with the DGHRD.  Additional  DG (HRM) and  Additional Director  were also present. Points that emerged during the meeting are  narrated below briefly :

1.      1.  The Cadre Restructuring  file has been sent to Secretary(Expenditure) by the Revenue Secretary, from whom it should go to the DoP&T.
2.      2.  The CBEC proposal is expected to follow the course taken by the CBDT proposal, which is reported to have been approved by the Group of Ministers on 29.04.13,  and now awaits  clearance from the Union Cabinet.
3.      3.  However, even by optimistic estimates, we are still  several months away from  seeing even the  first promotions arising out of the CR exercise. The proposed figures include raising the strength of Gr  B Gazetted Executive from the present 13948 to 19108 , and for Gr  B non- Gazetted Executives- from  20,163 to 25,203.
4.      4. On our repeated and insistent demand that regional disparities in prom otions among Inspectors of Central Excise of different Cadre Control Zones have to be addressed immediately, the CBEC has agreed in principle to take decisive action to do away with regional disparities.
5.      5.  On the methods to be adopted to achieve that end, our Association’s stand is that an exercise of upgradation on the lines of the one undertaken in  1996 be repeated, to promote all Inspectors who have completed 8 years of service,  or at least promote all Inspectors to the level of the junior -most Inspector promoted as Superintendent in any Zone, as on date. The organisational desideratum, however, remains base cadre parity.
6.       6. The DGHRD  had a discussion with the Member(P&V) on the issue on 30.4.13.  After this the  AICEIA office bearers met the DGHRD again.  It is informed that  the  subject file will be put up to the Member  by next week. `
7.       7.The Board now appreciates the fact that an All India Seniority List of Inspectors of Central Excise   is a fait accompli for the period following the Supreme Court judgment dated 09.12.1996 in  the case of Radhey Shyam Singh & Others vs. Union of India & Others.  
8.       8. Action has now been initiated by DGHRD to draw such an All India Seniority List of Inspectors. This is already badly delayed since way back in 1996 itself the Board had taken a  decision to introduce All India Seniority for Inspectors, but  never showed enough resolve to implement it.
9.     9.  The AICEIA shall be keenly pursuing these matters and we should resolve not to rest till we achieve these objectives.

AICEIA CEC – July 27th  and 28th, 2013  

Chandigarh Circle of the AICEIA has informed that arrangements  are underway to host the upcoming meeting of the AICEIA Central Executive Committee at  Shimla on 27th and 28th July’13 . All delegates are advised to forthwith make travel arrangements accordingly  to avoid inconvenience later and also to curtail expenses. Notice in this  regard shall be issued shortly.

Organisational  News

A meeting  of office bearers of AICEIA Chennai Circle and Chennai Unit of the Superintendents’ Association was held on 20.04.13. A meeting of  members of Tirupati Branch of the AICEIA  was held on 21.04.13. I was privileged to attend both, and it was indeed an enriching experience. The efforts  being made to strengthen the organization by Com. R. Parthiban and Com. Suresh of Chennai, and Com. Devendra Kumar  and Com. Shyam Sundar Reddy of Tirupati are noteworthy.  The general lack of medical facilities at Tirupati with neither CGHS being extended there  nor empanelment of  AMAs having been undertaken, acute shortage of government quarters coupled with steep rents for private accommodations etc.  are real areas of concern for Inspectors of Tirupati  Commissionerate, which, in the first place, was set up without much justification  either on considerations of revenue or of workload, overlooking other  stations so worthy of Commissionerates  given the workload/ revenue/stagnation in career prospects of subordinate officers that obtained there. The very large  number of Inspectors in Vizag and Tirupati who continue to be meted out unjust treatment in the Transfer and Posting policy of the CCA Hyderabad Zones is also something that needs to be addressed urgently.
Visit of All India office bearers to the western part of the country is long overdue, and shall be undertaken shortly.  
Those units who have not yet submitted DDO Certificates  and  their subscription dues to the AICEIA  national body are advised to do so immediately. Particularly disappointing response in this direction has been from Hyderabad, Vizag, Gujarat (except Surat), and Rajasthan.
Membership drives should be undertaken  on a sustained basis  by all Branches and Circles with active participation  of the All India office- bearers   to bring into the fold of the AICEIA all Inspectors of Central Excise in the country.

Confederation’s  All India Conference

The AICEIA extends its warm greetings  to the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers  and wishes all success to the  24th Triennial All India Conference of the Confederation to be held on the 3rd ,  4th and  5th of  May 2013 at Kolkata. Our President Com. A Satish shall be representing our Association in the  Conference.

Ajit Kumar K G
Secretary General