Friday, December 23, 2011

I thank all comrades of the West Bengal, Sikkim & Andaman & Nicobar Circle of the AICEIA for giving me an opportunity  or rather a privilege, to participate in their 3rd conference on 21st and 22nd of December at Kolkata. It was a truly enriching experience for me. The democratic, participative and inclusive manner in which the Association activities are conducted there truly set benchmarks for the other Circles and units to follow. While the conduct, all-round contribution, and leadership of All India Office bearers of the Association hailing from WB, and equally that of the delegates from that Circle, in CEC’s and Conventions at the national level are always impressive and well known all across the country, the enthusiasm and dedication I witnessed over the past two days in a State/Circle level Conference has left me spellbound- I am truly amazed at the vibrant and robust organization of the Circle.
My congratulations to all members of the Circle for the successful conducting of the Conference, and I extend my warmest Fraternal Greetings to all of you once again and my Best Wishes to the newly elected Office Bearers of the Circle. Especially worth mentioning is the fact that even the junior-most and  youngest Inspectors participate  with such enthusiasm, standing shoulder to shoulder with seasoned veterans of many a campaign – what a wonderful sight it was.  It is a re-assuring  and comforting  thought  that to  bear and carry forward the torch of the Association, we have numerous willing and able hands.   Thanks for all the love you showered on me on these two days  in the City of Joy - they will always remain cherished in my memory.  

Ajit Kumar K G  (Asst. Secretary General )