Friday, May 27, 2011


Posted by Secretary General on 5/27/2011 09:13:00 AM with 23 comments

                  Cadre restructuring file is through from expenditure and went to D.O.P&T last evening. We would like to congratulate all the Associations who participated in the 20th April Lunch hour Demonstration and especially comrades of odisha circle without whose effort this co-ordination committee would not have formed, this co-ordination committees fasting at Jantar Mantar on 6th may 2011 for which Secretary General & President  Of Superintendent Association was the chief architect made this possible, certainly we should not forget the unprecedented effort shown by our Chairman C.B.E.C. CR file of CBDT is also pending at DOPT and we expect that these two files shall move together to MOS's office within a short while from now. looking forward for a stronger co-ordination between Superintendent and Inspectors in future.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Posted by Secretary General on 5/22/2011 01:03:00 PM with 2 comments

In yet another successful step taken by The AICEIA leadership an ad-hoc committee was  elected from amongst the inspectors of Mumbai named as AICEIA, Mumbai Branch. The team AICEIA initially called Mumbai Chief Commissioner to have a formal date for discussion on draft Transfer –posting policy , as discussed the date of the meeting was 18th May, 2011.  It took nearly 1hr. and 45 minutes to interact with the Zonal Chief Commissioner. At the time of discussion it was made known to him that a committee is likely to be constituted by 20th May, 2011.
          Right after initial recognition of AICEIA in December, 2007 there was no formal committee of AICEIA in Mumbai, The then all India President ran the Association , in an incident when the President of Mumbai branch of AICEIA asked the detailed accounts of lakhs of rupees extracted from the Mumbai branch Bank account by the self proclaimed Secretary of Mumbai the President was suspended in no time. From then on there was no president of Mumbai Branch. So, it can be understood that Mumbai Branch is defunct for a considerable period of time.
There is numerous incidents and proofs which put in the picture about non-functioning organization and dictatorship of a few in the defunct Mumbai Inspectors’ Association from long back, at the time of the visit of the Secretary General in November 2009 it was understood that there is good and intelligent people in Mumbai who wants to come and serve the cadre from the front but owing to some unknown threat intimidating Inspectors with dire consequences so that either they remain inactive or they hate to do Association in future. 
Though full election procedure observed at the time of  electing new Body in Daman in the year 2008, yet, these self proclaimed leaders demanded that there was no election!!!???… This is a confusing fact. As Sri K.P. Rao himself took out big meetings in the Daman for the two following nights of the Convention in December 2009 at Daman, and apprehending humiliating defeat had not filed any nomination and demanded for natural selection in the post of Secretary General as he claimed to be the most effective and influential person among the C.Ex. Inspectors.
         Mr. K.P. Rao applied for recognition in the year 2009 March and as par the provision laid down in the constitution of AICEIA the Ex. President of AICEIA and Ex General Secretary Mumbai Circle Sri Koneru Prabhakar Rao’s membership stands cancelled from the very date of filing for recognition of a separate organization. As declared to Board Mumbai Branch is having 1188 membership in the name of AICEIA.  Neither the subscription collected in the name of AICEIA had been handed over to the Secretary General AICEIA nor it has been intimated to general members of Mumbai at any point of time. This is a true swindle and no audited account is ready for the expenditure incurred.     
             However, with keenness of the Inspectors of Mumbai Branch we have created an ad-hoc committee as placed under:
           All India Central Excise Inspector’s Association, Mumbai Branch’s meeting was conducted on 20-05-2011 at CGO Building, CBD Belapur and following committee has been constituted in the presence of common members and federation representatives. 

This Committee was constituted on an ad-hoc basis, the authorized office bearers of this committee shall conduct general election amongst the members of the Association immediately after the All India Convention is over.
       The above members are authorized to interact with administration in matters related to Inspectors of Mumbai Central Excise.
         Hence representatives from the above committee shall be eligible to attend XVIth convention subject to the provisions of the constitution of AICEIA.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Meeting in MUMBAI

Posted by Secretary General on 5/18/2011 04:01:00 PM with 2 comments

            All The Inspectors of Mumbai I & mumbai II zone are hereby requested to come and join a General body meeting at Belapur on 20th May 2011 sharp at 12.00 noon. The meeting wll be addressed by Kousik Roy Secretary General

                                                                          Comradely yours

                                                                             Kousik Roy

Friday, May 6, 2011

latest developments

Posted by Secretary General on 5/06/2011 09:04:00 PM with 9 comments

The daylong dharna –anshan programme of the Joint Co-ordination Committee was a resounding success, with Inspectors and Superintendents from all across the country gathering at Jantar Mantar today in large numbers. Inspiring addresses by the national office –bearers of both Associations amidst  spirited slogan-shouting marked the beginning of the programme. As the day progressed, the number of participants swelled, with fresh batches arriving from far and near, by road, rail and air. Repeatedly the demands of these two most stagnating and suffering cadres in the CBEC were raised by loud slogans and speeches, and the enthusiasm had to be seen and heard to be believed.
 Media persons of the local and national newspapers/news-agencies/tv newschannels visited the protest site at regular intervals  to cover our programme, and it is expected that it will be widely reported.
On the invitation of the Chairman, CBEC, conveyed through a high-ranking Board official, a delegation of office bearers of both Associations participated in a meeting at North Block at 1.00 pm.
Besides the Chairman,  three other senior officers  of the Board including the JS(Admin.) were present in the meeting.
After welcoming the Association representatives, the Chairman assured that the Board was seized of all issues that were being faced by our two cadres, and they were working to adequately address all problems at the earliest. A significant and welcome development in this direction was that the CBEC has now sent the Cadre Re-structuring Proposal again to the  Deptt. of Expenditure after preparing a well-reasoned and argued reply  on all the observations made by them. The revised proposals submitted by the Board remain, by and large, unchanged. Following that  the Chairman himself met the Secretary(Expenditure), who is  also the Secretary (Finance) on 4th May 2011. The JS(Admin.), Deptt. of Expenditure was also present then, and according to our Chairman, his impression is that Expenditure now appears convinced with the reasons advanced by the Board to justify the proposed steep increase in the number of entry level Gr ‘A’ posts and the substantial expansion of the organisational  set-up, and that he expects that they will see to it that the proposals get past Expenditure by this month-end.
On the matter of in-situ proposals for promotions of Gr ‘B’ officers, the Chairman informed that the Committee set up within the Board has finalised its recommendations, and very soon, the same will be sent to the DoP&T for approval. JS(Admin) informed that all aspects were being minutely examined and and the proposals are being formulated keeping in mind any objections that could crop up at the later stages of approval required from other Ministries.
We demanded that topmost priority be accorded to our concerns of speedy implementation of the in-situ scheme incorporating our suggestions that it should be a continuing scheme, and that there should be no residency period restriction for advancing benefits under the scheme, since the proposed promotions are non-functional, in any case. The Chairman assured us that this would be considered.
The other major issue discussed was the parity with Customs issue. The Associations took strong exception to the unwarranted delay being made to file the required affidavit in the Supreme Court on the ratio  issue. We also raised the issue of delay in lifting the ban on ICT. The Chairman appreciated the Assn’s concerns and assured that he will discuss the issue in the next meeting of the full Board, besides instructing the JS(Admin)  to get the affidavit filed expeditiously, though Joint Secretary ( Admn.) put forward some argument in this regard yet chairman expressed his deep concern to reconsider the issue.
The Chairman also acceded to our request to fix a meeting with the Assn for discussing threadbare all outstanding issues at length towards the end of this month.
In view of these positive developments, at the end of today’s dharna at 5.00 p.m it was decided  by both the Assns to defer the call for mass Casual Leave on 27.05.2011, and to review the position after the next meeting with the Chairman. The agitation, however has not been withdrawn, and will be revived on the very first indications that our demands are not getting deserving attention. The two Associations expressed their willingness to conglomerate with other recognised cadre Associations of Gr.'C' & Gr.'D' for the proposed Parliament Rally in the 'Badal Session' of the Parliament.

Monday, May 2, 2011

latest communication with CBEC

Posted by Secretary General on 5/02/2011 03:21:00 PM with No comments

Ref. No. AICIEA/CBEC/91/2011                                                                                      01.05.2011

        Sri S.Dutt Majumder,
        Chairman, Central Board of Excise & Customs,
        Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance,
        North Block, New Delhi.
                       Sub: Notice for agitation
         Kindly refer to our letter under ref. no. AICIEA/CBEC/83/2011 Dated: 06.04.2011wherein we have mentioned that:
       In response to the call given by the Co-ordination committee of Central Excise Group ‘B’ Executive Officers (Superintendent’s & Inspectors’)   Ref No. Co-ord./CBEC /org/ 01/11  Dated  06.04.2011 Inspectors who are member of our Association shall participate in the organisation action programme commencing from 20th April 2011.
        As par the Call given by the Co-ordination committee of Central Excise Group ‘B’ Executive Officers (Superintendent’s & Inspectors’) lunch hour dharna programme held in front of every Chief Commissioner’s office through out the country on 20th April, 2011 with huge participation. We are constrained to state that despite the receipt of our agitation programme Board has not yet taken any cogent step to resolve the pending issues. In this circumstances we are left with no alternative but to go for next phase of agitation programme .
         Hence, As per decision of the CEC meeting of the All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Association held in New Delhi on 5th February 2011 and the meeting of the  Co-ordination committee of Central Excise Group ‘B’ Executive Officers (Superintendent’s & Inspectors’) held in New Delhi on 5th of April 2011 Inspectors of Central Excise shall be observing one day fasting in front of Jantar Mantar, New Delhi along with Superintendents of Central excise on 6th may 2011 on the following agenda :
1.      Posts of Assistant Commissioners arising out of cadre re-structuring should be filled up on the basis of stagnation in relaxation of the provisions of recruitment rule to ensure parity among the three feeder cadres of Superintendent of Central Excise, Superintendent of Customs and Appraisers.
2.     Parity in promotion among different seniority zone in Central Excise Group B Executive cadre and between Group B Executive cadres in Customs must be ensured.
3.     An Appraiser/Superintendent of Customs promotee junior to a Superintendent of Central Excise should not be posted as his/her Assistant Commissioner.
4.     The in-situ promotion scheme should be finalized expeditiously in consultation with the recognized associations of the stake holders.
5.     Fixation of pay of Inspectors/Superintendents in the pre-revised scale of 6500-10500/7500-12000 should be provided with effect from 01.01.1986.
6.     Inter Commissionerate transfer on all compassionate grounds should be made available in terms of the Board’s circular dated 20.05.1980.
7.     The pay of the cadre of Superintendents should be upgraded to Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in Pay Band II on par with analogous cadres.
8.      Minuted meetings/JCM s should be conducted at the Board level and at local level with the recognized association of Inspectors/Superintendents at regular intervals.
9.     The 1% incentive on incremental revenue should be utilized for providing facilities and infrastructure for all staffs.
Programme of Action :

a.     Whole day Hunger Dharna in front of Jantar Mantar on 6th May, 2011.

b.     One day mass casual leave on 27th May, 2011.

The Inspectors of Central Excise are highly aggrieved with the ever alarming stagnation got no solution yet and repeated persuasion on the matter yielded no result.

                                           Yours faithfully

                                           (Kousik Roy)