AICEIA salutes the thousands and thousands of Inspectors of Central Excise across the country who, in response to the call given by this Association, boycotted the Central Excise Day celebrations , despite tremendous pressure exerted on them at several places by the Administration to desist from doing so. Having thus registered our strong protest on the continued discrimination faced by our cadre and apathy of the CBEC and the Govt. of India to our plight , it is time to take stock of the situation, and strengthen our organisation to make it even more broad-based by enhancing membership, more personal contact and mobilisation at the grassroots level by the All India and Regional office bearers by undertaking tours to even the remotest locations in the country where Inspectors are posted, and interacting personally with every single member, by making our functioning even more democratic and transparent by getting elections to all formations held within stipulated time, sponsoring all issues affecting members in JCM/GRM meetings and following up those till they are satisfactorily addressed. Strengthening the Association is the foremost requirement precedent to launching and sustaining any massive agitation programme, which would be the only recourse left with us if the Board continues to turn a deaf ear to our most genuine and just demands.
It should also be the endeavour of the present office bearers at all levels to involve more and more younger Inspectors and to motivate them to actively participate in all Association activities, and shoulder organisational responsibilities and occupy posts. We, the present office bearers, must realise that it is our responsibility to prepare new leadership for this organisation, when we move out of the cadre, which for most of us would be sooner rather than later.
All Branch and Circle Secretaries are requested to obtain Certificates from DDOs regarding deduction of membership subscription from salaries of members of AICEIA, and send them to the Secretary General at the earliest. Despite repeated requests some Circles / Branches are lagging behind in this area, and corrective action needs to be taken swiftly. Organising Secretary is entrusted with the task of co-ordinating with all Circles and Branches and completing this exercise within two weeks.
In this connection I have to commend our youngest Branch - the Aurangabad Branch of the AICEIA, its President Com Nandkumar K Choudhary and General Secretary Com. Vijay R Giram, who within hours of the issue of letter by SG, AICEIA informing the Commissioner, Cus & C. Ex, Aurangabad that the AICEIA Branch there has been granted recognition as a Branch by this Association, have submitted DDO Certificates for 100% strength of Inspectors of Aurangabad Commissionerate. AICEIA extends a very warm and hearty welcome to all Inspectors of Aurangabad Commissionerate to this Association..
There is some more good news coming in from Western India to be shared here. Com . Shishir K Agnihotri, General Secretary of the Mumbai Circle of the AICEIA (who is also our All India Liaison Secretary) informs us that membership in Mumbai Circle is steadily picking up, and the organisation there is now in a robust shape. AICEIA congratulates him, and other office bearers and members of the Mumbai Circle, particularly the President Com.Anil Kumar , Vice President Com.Manish Roy, and Com Chandra Bhushan, whose tireless efforts have revived the Association in Mumbai in a very short period of time. Minutes of a meeting of the Mumbai Circle Office bearers with the Chief Commissioner, Central Excise Zone i, Mumabai, and some press clippings on the Boycott of Central Excise Day too there are posted above.
Having said all this, I cannot restrain myself from observing that we also need to do some soul searching - the Boycott call was not observed at a few places, by a handful of individuals. We need to reach out to them too and try to ascertain reasons for their doing so, and try to reason with them not to subject the whole cadre to such indignity in future as they have done now, and try to invoke in them too some sense of self-respect .
With Fraternal Greetings,Ajit Kumar K G
Secretary General.