Tuesday, December 27, 2011

National CEC meeting in Hyderabad from 27-1-2012 to 28-1-2012

Posted by Secretary General on 12/27/2011 11:31:00 AM with No comments

Dear Kousik,
              We are pleased and privileged to inform you that our Zonal Branch has resolved to host our ensuing national CEC meeting in Hyderabad on 27-1-2012 to 28-1-2012. The details are as follows.
             Venue:   HOTEL VAISHNAOI
                          Kachiguda Railway Station Road,
                          Kachiguda, Hyderabad.
                          Telephone:  040-24743388
                          Fax         :  040-24613388
                          Website   :  www.hotelvaishnaoi.co.in
           Dates:    27-1-2012 to 28-1-2012 (Friday to Saturday)
            11.00 AM to 1.00 pm          : Inaugural session
            2.00 pm to 6 pm                 : First session
            10.00 am to 2 pm                :  Second and last session
            We are planning to try to rope in one Central Minister or atleast one local M.P. for the inaugural session in addition to our CC and all the Commissioners.
            We have already booked 30 double bed rooms in the same hotel  from the evening of 26-1-2012 to the evening of 28-1-2012 so that all the delegates can be accommodated at the same venue.
            We are hopeful that the CEC meeting will conclude with lunch on the second and final day at 2 pm. Delegates wishing to stay back after evening of 28-1-2012 will have to make their own arrangements.
            Please intimate the list of Units which are going to participate in this event with all the numbers of offce-bearers.
            Please intimate all our comrades that the details of delegates attending the meeting should be intimated to us before 20-1-2012 to the following officebearers.
          1. BPK Reddy - 98490-46969
          2. BLN Varma - 9866303385
          3. A Srinivas    - 9849320484
           4. Rafiz Ahmad - 9440395656
           5. Gowri Shankar -  7569043477
            Various Committees have been formed, the details of which are placed in our website.
            We assure you that we will strive every nerve to make this prestigious event as memorable and as successfull as possible to retain the brand image of Hyderabad.
            I can be reached for any details:
           Cell:  98490-46969
           E-mail:   bpkreddy681@gmail.com
         Thanks and regards,
BPK Reddy
GS and all India SZ-VP
Circular would be issued within a short while from now.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Uniform .. Board asked views from different field formations.

Posted by Secretary General on 12/26/2011 02:39:00 PM with No comments
Board has issued a letter to field formations seeking their view on wearing of uniform. All the units are requested to contact the local administration to pursue the issue on the lines of the correspondence made to the Board by the Association.Association is continuously perusing this issue from long back, sincere effort from the circles/branches is deeply solicited.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I thank all comrades of the West Bengal, Sikkim & Andaman & Nicobar Circle of the AICEIA for giving me an opportunity  or rather a privilege, to participate in their 3rd conference on 21st and 22nd of December at Kolkata. It was a truly enriching experience for me. The democratic, participative and inclusive manner in which the Association activities are conducted there truly set benchmarks for the other Circles and units to follow. While the conduct, all-round contribution, and leadership of All India Office bearers of the Association hailing from WB, and equally that of the delegates from that Circle, in CEC’s and Conventions at the national level are always impressive and well known all across the country, the enthusiasm and dedication I witnessed over the past two days in a State/Circle level Conference has left me spellbound- I am truly amazed at the vibrant and robust organization of the Circle.
My congratulations to all members of the Circle for the successful conducting of the Conference, and I extend my warmest Fraternal Greetings to all of you once again and my Best Wishes to the newly elected Office Bearers of the Circle. Especially worth mentioning is the fact that even the junior-most and  youngest Inspectors participate  with such enthusiasm, standing shoulder to shoulder with seasoned veterans of many a campaign – what a wonderful sight it was.  It is a re-assuring  and comforting  thought  that to  bear and carry forward the torch of the Association, we have numerous willing and able hands.   Thanks for all the love you showered on me on these two days  in the City of Joy - they will always remain cherished in my memory.  

Ajit Kumar K G  (Asst. Secretary General )

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Posted by Secretary General on 12/22/2011 10:13:00 AM with No comments



Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Posted by Secretary General on 12/20/2011 12:33:00 PM with No comments

The President of the AICEIA attended the National Council Meeting of the Confederation of CG Employees & Workers held at Cochin on 16.12.2011 which was inaugurated by Com.P.Rajeev, Hon’ble M.P., Rajya Sabha. Com.K.K.N.Kutty, Secretary General submitted the report narrating the activities of the confederation and the national and International developments of the last one year.  14 point charter of demands was presented and the meeting gave a go-ahead for the proposed general strike on 28.2.2012.  The charter includes the call for scrapping of new pension scheme, revision of GPF interest rates, OTA etc. and merger of DA with Pay.   Our President during his speech assured all co-operations for the activities of the Confederation being an affiliate, but cautioned against the date of proposed strike as the same falls probably on the pre-Budget day.  Confederation SG would be attending the National anomalies committee meeting for the VI CPC to be held at New Delhi on 5.1.2012 wherein it is expected to clear the increment issue of those drawing during the months of February to June.
Posted by President AICEIA.

Government bent down partially under the pressure of the working classes movement

Posted by Secretary General on 12/20/2011 11:47:00 AM with No comments
The Central Government had introduced the New Pension System (NPS) with effect from January 1, 2004 (except for armed forces) for its employees.
In respect of Central Government employees who have joined in Government Service on or after 1.1.2004, this scheme is mandatory.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), is the interim regulatory body for NPS which was established by Government of India on 23rd August 2003.
In NPS, a government employee who is covered under NPS contributes 10% of his/her salary towards pension along with matching contribution from the employer.
While contributions in NPS are collected from Central Government Employees since 1.1.2004, the pension contributions of Central Government employees have been handed over to Pension fund Managers viz, LIC Pension Fund Limited, SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Limited and UTI Retirement Solutions Limited in a predefined proportion, only from 1st April 2008.
Now, the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena in written reply to an Un-starred Question in Lok Sabha on 16.12.2011, stated that the institutional architecture for NPS could not be operationalised by the Interim Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), for the period from 1.1.2004 to 31.03.2008 and therefore, the contribution for the Government employees under the NPS during this period could not be invested in the market.
A total amount of Rs. 971.48 crore, collected towards contribution for Government employees, from 2004 to March 2008, under the New Pension System (NPS), was credited to the Public Account of India.  The funds credited to Public Account will carry an interest @ 8% p.a.
PFRDA Bill, 2011 which would give official status to PFRDA has already been approved by Cabinet and placed before Parliament. However, the same is yet to be passed in the parliament for enactment.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Posted by Secretary General on 12/13/2011 09:47:00 AM with 2 comments

Secretary General and Vice President (North) persuaded the three following issues in New Delhi:
·  Anomaly of senior drawing less pay than juniors arising out of fixation of pay after revision of grade pay from 4200/- to 4600/-,
·         Progress of Cadre Review,
·         Renewal of recognition.
The first point was discussed with different Board officials, Expenditure Ministry & Dy. Secy. D.O.P&T;  it was understood that the first part in relation to senior drawing less pay than juniors arising out of fixation of pay after revision of grade pay from 4200/- to 4600/- is fixed now and for the manner of fixation part i.e. grant of one additional increment to all those Inspectors who got promotions or recruited before 01.01.2006, Expenditure referred the file to D. O. P. & T.  Board could not issue the order as the two issues are processed through a single note.  It was assured to us that the Board would be issuing the letter immediately after getting the file from D.O.P&T. Hence the confusion regarding fixation of pay at the minimum of 17140/- is cleared and would be effected shortly.
The delegation met Joint Secy. (D.O.P&T) Sh. Rajeev Kapoor & different officials inclusive of Sh. Anant Kumar to get a clear Idea about the proposal and progress. It was understood that the file is with Deputy Secretary (D.O.P&T), they are examining the CR proposal especially for HAG scale; it was further intimated to the delegation that D.O.P&T is not only sympathetic but also trying to find out some solution on the acute stagnation of Inspectors & Superintendents. Till now there was no trace of curtailment of A.C. posts, discussions are on regarding one time relaxation for filling up of the posts arising out of CR through promotions only. It was assured to us that D.O.P&T shall complete its scrutiny within a fortnight from now and shall send it to Cadre Review Group within the DOPT. Once it was accepted by Cadre Review Group the rest is the implementation part.
Except Mumbai we have received DDO certificates from almost all parts of this country, in Mumbai at least more than 1100 members are deducting membership fees from salary for lack of supervision these DDO certificates and the contributions are not reaching to the Association.  Members of Mumbai are requested to deposit the cheque in the Association Bank Account available in this blog. Once again we are able to submit more than 35% DDO certificates to Board for renewal of recognition. All the units are once again requested to submit their All India  contribution forthwith as Association is struggling with lack of fund.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Latest Developments

Posted by Secretary General on 11/30/2011 06:47:00 AM with No comments
 A meeting of the Associations was held on 29th November 2011 with the  JS  of DOP&T(Mr. Rajeev Kapoor). It was informed to the Associations that D.O.P&T would be taking its final decision on cadre restructuring very soon. It was understood  that D.O.P&T has some reservation on the  temporary approval of a section of the promotional posts .
D.O.P&T further informed the delegation that the stagnation of Inspector & Superintendent in Central Excise has already been pointed out and it was intimated that they are trying to find out a tangible solution to do away with this discrimination In CBEC and a meeting with CBEC and D.O.P&T is well expected within the next week. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Latest Developments

Posted by Secretary General on 11/29/2011 09:54:00 AM with No comments

The file dealing with Restructuring of CBEC is back in the DoP&T, and it is with the Secretary now. It is also learnt that the  Board has not made any significant changes in the original proposal, and even after 4 rounds of queries and corresponding responses and justifications, the proposal retains its original shape. The CBDT proposal has reportedly gone past DoP&T, and it is understood that both proposals will be presented before the Committee of Secretaries together sometime next month. Methods to do away with regional disparities while allocating posts arising out of cadre restructuring are also being devised by the DGHRD.

Since the Board’s communication lifting the ban on  ICT has thrown up some confusion, and has stipulated some avoidable preconditions, the AICEIA has written to the Chairman, Member(P&V), JS(Admin) requesting for clarifications/amendments in the same. The matter has further been taken up with senior officials of the Board concerned with the matter, and should get resolved soon. Our letter is appended below. 

On the stepping up issue of seniors drawing less pay than junior inspectors who joined the deptt. after 1.1.2006, CBEC has sent the draft clarification to be issued for the DoP&T’s concurrence, as required by Deptt. of Expenditure, to whom the original reference was made by the Board. We have pursued the issue vigourously all along, and continue to do so, and the file has now moved from the concerned Section upward, and it is expected that we will get the desired results within a fortnight.

On 25.11.2011, a March to Parliament was organised as part of the ongoing movement against the PFRDA Bill, with thousands of Central and State Govt. employees gathering at Delhi to make their collective voice heard against the said Bill. In response to the call made by the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers to participate in the same, President and Asstt Secy. General of the AICEIA along with some of our members attended the protest at Delhi.

The AICEIA will be shortly taking up with the Board the issue of extending benefit of stepping up of pay to all senior inspectors who , having been promoted from the ministerial cadre, are drawing lesser pay than their juniors who have got the benefit of ACP/MACP, following the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the SLP filed by the UOI in the case challenging the High Court of Punjab and Haryana’s verdict is under preparation, and suggestions may please be e-mailed to the Association at the earliest.

reservations on ICT circular

Posted by Secretary General on 11/29/2011 09:49:00 AM with 1 comment

15/1 Strand Road, Custom House, M.S.Building, 7th floor, Kolkata-700001
(Affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers)
Recognised by Ministry of Finance
[vide F.No.B.12017/1/2004-Ad.IV A dated 31.12.07 & 14.1.08]

President         :

Manoj K P
Working President:
N. Venkitakrishnan
Vice President (NZ):
Malkit Singh
Vice President (SZ):
 Reddy B P K
Vice President (WZ):
Vice President (EZ): Sanjay Singh
Vice President (CZ):
Samir K. Sinha

Secretary General: Kousik Roy


Asst. Secy. General:
Ajit K.G.
Liaison Secretary:
Shibaji Ch. Nayak 09437090969
Organising Secretary:
Ajay Kumar Saini
Jt. Secretary (NZ):
Aabhay Singh
Jt. Secretary (SZ):
Jt. Secretary (WZ):
Sanjay Sriniwasan
Jt. Secretary (EZ):
Rajashish Dutta
Jt. Secretary (CZ): H.K.Ghoshal

Address for Correspondence:
Block-‘B’ Flat No. 301 68, Shibpur Road, Shibpur, Mandirtala, Howrah-711102
Phone   : 03322420693           
Cell      : 09831007827    

Ref. No.      /2011                                                              Dated:  24.11.2011.

The Chairman
CBEC, North Block
New Delhi.

                   Subject:  Lifting of ban on ICT.

                   Kind attention is invited to the letter F.No.A22015/23/2011-Ad.III.A dt.27.10.2011 lifting the ban on Inter Commissionerate Transfer which was in vogue since 19.2.2004.  The Association takes this opportunity to express our gratitude for reinstating the ICT as it goes a long way to ease the difficulties faced by our member who are away from their home.  However, in order to make the ICT more convenient and effective, it is requested that the following points may please be considered:

i)       The Board’s above letter 27.10.2011, says that any willing Group B, C employee and the erstwhile Gr.D employee may apply for transfer from the jurisdiction of one CCA to another CCA subject to availability of vacancy.   As the Group B officers include Gr.B Gazetted officers also, a clarification needs to be issued stating that only Gr.B non-gazetted officers are covered by the ICT, lest this may be erroneously interpreted in some corners for granting ICT to Superintendents and thereby adversely affecting the promotional avenues of the Inspectors of various zones. We also wish to point out that there is no provision for ICT in the Recruitment Rule for Superintendents similar to that available in other cadres having a DR element of appointment.
ii)        The para 2(v) of the letter says that the request for ICT should not be entertained till the officer appointed completes the proscribed probation period.   As, such a condition was not there in the Board’s letter F.No.A22015/19/2006-Ad.III.A dt.27.3.2009 under which the transfers have been allowed on the basis of employment of the spouse, it is requested that the same principle may be applied in the present case also and the condition of probation may not be insisted

15/1 Strand Road, Custom House, M.S.Building, 7th floor, Kolkata-700001
(Affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers)
Recognised by Ministry of Finance
[vide F.No.B.12017/1/2004-Ad.IV A dated 31.12.07 & 14.1.08]

President         :

Manoj K P
Working President:
N. Venkitakrishnan
Vice President (NZ):
Malkit Singh
Vice President (SZ):
 Reddy B P K
Vice President (WZ):
Vice President (EZ): Sanjay Singh
Vice President (CZ):
Samir K. Sinha

Secretary General: Kousik Roy


Asst. Secy. General:
Ajit K.G.
Liaison Secretary:
Shibaji Ch. Nayak 09437090969
Organising Secretary:
Ajay Kumar Saini
Jt. Secretary (NZ):
Aabhay Singh
Jt. Secretary (SZ):
Jt. Secretary (WZ):
Sanjay Sriniwasan
Jt. Secretary (EZ):
Rajashish Dutta
Jt. Secretary (CZ): H.K.Ghoshal

Address for Correspondence:
Block-‘B’ Flat No. 301 68, Shibpur Road, Shibpur, Mandirtala, Howrah-711102
Phone   : 03322420693           
Cell      : 09831007827    

in cases where transfers are allowed on spouse grounds. It may be recalled that a residency period was not prescribed in the circular dt. 20.05.1980 which laid down the comprehensive guidelines for ICT in CBEC.
iii)       The para 2(vii) of the letter says that the officers who are presently working on deputation basis should revert back to their parent Commissionerate and then apply fresh for ICT.  This creates avoidable difficulties for the members who are working at faraway places on deputation and does not appear to be fair when the Board allows the benefit of seniority based on the date of deputation to the category of officers who have been under deputation and subsequently absorbed between 19.2.2004 and 27.10.2011.  This Association therefore request you to suitably amend this portion of the para as under:

2(vii)   Officers who are presently working on deputation basis from their parent  Commissionerate to any other Commissionerate /Directorate and are willing to get absorbed on ICT will have to make fresh representations to both their CCAs without reverting to their parent Commissionerate, and after getting approval from both the CCAs, the seniority may be fixed under the new CCA on the basis of the date of order of the ICT.
2.  It is therefore requested that necessary modifications to the letter F.No.A22015/23/2011-Ad.III.A dt.27.10.2011 to the extent as mentioned above may be issued at the earliest to clear the doubts on the minds of officers.
Yours faithfully,

Copy submitted to:
1.     The Member(P&V), CBEC, New Delhi.
2.     The Joint Secretary(Admn.), CBEC, New Delhi.
